Why I Am Not a Feminist - And Why You Also Should Not Be One

Some quotes about feminism that people should read:

“When feminists create “safe spaces” for adult women...I seriously question why any woman would identify as a feminist. Feminists literally treat adult women like three year olds. How does this empower you to make smart choices about your life? How does this embolden you to go after what you want?....If feminists followed the dictionary, they wouldn’t fear #WomenAgainstFeminism and work so desperately to exclude them from the conversation about gender and equality. They would engage in debate and offer evidence....But they don’t. They file false reports, claim abuse and harassment where none took place and ultimately, expose the heart of fascist, intolerant, hateful darkness at the core of feminism.” - Janet Bloomfield

“If you don’t believe feminism is evil, look at the fruit it produces – It takes the beauty of women & putrefies it. It makes a kind heart bitter, a serving heart stingy, a submissive spirit violent, and a nourishing heart destructive. All antithetical to God’s design for women.” - Nathaniel Jolly

“The feminist movement taught women to see themselves as victims of an oppressive patriarchy....Self-imposed victimhood is not a recipe for happiness.” - Phyllis Schlafly

“Emancipation of women has made them lose their mystery.” - Grace Kelly

“Society doesn't owe us anything. I don't need someone to pay for my female hygiene products to feel empowered. Can we work? Yes. Can we vote? Yes. Do we have the same rights and opportunities as men? Yes. What rights are they [feminists] fighting for? What are they specifically? What don't they have?” - Hannah Bleau

“Anti-feminism is not sexism. It does not defend the various types of physical, sexual and moral violence against women in the family and society. It does not claim to violate the natural rights of women, which is expressed in the constitution and the legal system as a whole. Instead, anti-feminism supports the innate biological differences among men and women, and as a final result it is directed against gender-blindness -- a unisex trend that artificially increases due to feminism in modern global civilization. To protect the natural rights of women, you don't need to be a feminist, you have to be a humanist who has devoted himself or herself to protecting all humans.” - Elmar Hussein

“This is just another reason for these “women” (and I use the term loosely) to be gross and obscene and call it a “political statement.” It’s not helpful. If anything, it’s demeaning and insulting to women who think with more than our genitals and who are concerned with issues bigger than our ladyparts. But by all means, keep acting the fool. All you’re doing is exposing yourselves for what you really are. The rest of us want no part of your nonsense.” - Chrissie Johnson 

“Girls who are indoctrinated to see men not as equals but as oppressors and rapists are condemned to remain in a permanently juvenile condition for life. They have surrendered their own personal agency to a poisonous creed that claims to empower women but has ended by infantilizing them.” --Camille Paglia (American feminist academic and social critic)

Why am I talking about something political on here? Because it has infested the Church! In the 1800’s, women took over the churches in the United States, while the men left home for opportunities elsewhere, or were pulled into war. This is why today, the churches are centered around having “a relationship with God,” which appeals to women, when before, it was about a “mission to save lost souls,” which appeals to men! Never before in history have we had a feminized church – and it’s not a good thing!

To those that say, it’s all about “equality,” then why is it called “feminism?” Think about it. If it truly was and is about equality, why wouldn’t they have called it or renamed it something like “equalism?” Because the term feminism by its very nature sounds, and is, sexist! What if I, as a man, wanted equal rights for all? And I called myself a “menanist?” Now, do you see the problem with that name? The name itself proves that it really isn’t (and never was) about equality. And it sprang, not surprisingly, from Marxist ideology. Not sorry if I offended people. But, that’s the truth.

Just look at how men are portrayed in our current culture. They call too much testosterone “toxic,” and manly men “toxic masculinity.”

In an online article, it reads,

“Men are frequently portrayed as bumbling incompetents as fathers, husbands, and employees, with a heroine mom, wife, or co-worker stepping in to save the day.

We see women wearing the pants in the family and treating their husbands like an extra child, and we see men who respond in kind: acting like children, obeying their wives’ commands, and, often, indulging in hours of childish pastimes, like video games, instead of working hard and caring for their families.

It’s not Father Knows Best anymore. It’s Father’s a Moronic Buffoon to Kick Around.

And what’s alarming is that these attitudes have been creeping into the church for years.

Just as women rebelled against the law and social conventions to gain equality with men, “Christian” women now rebel against Scripture by becoming pastors and instructing and holding authority over men in the church. (In fact, this has been going on so long that many in the next generation aren’t even aware that the Bible prohibits this.)

Just as men in secular society have stepped back to avoid being run over by headstrong women, or even joined them in their quest for female dominance, evangelical men have abdicated their God-given positions of leadership in the church and home, sometimes even joining women in their violation of Scripture by inviting them into unbiblical positions of leadership and by sitting under their teaching and preaching.

(Source: https://bereanresearch.org/feminist-infiltration-emasculation-christian-men/)

In Genesis 3:16, God pronounces the curse to Eve, “…your desire will be for your husband, And he will rule over you” (NASB, underline mine). Feminism destroys what God instituted. We cannot break the curse – not on our own. We have no right to, and we, both man and woman, are still under the curse, even those of us who are in Christ. That means none of this “co-pastoring,” female “pastor” malarkey. There was no such thing as a female pastor or priest found anywhere in the Bible! If you say that I “hate” women, I can assure you that I, in fact, love them. Women, especially Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary, were the first to witness the resurrection of the Lord Yeshua from the dead! Women played no small part in Jesus’ earthly ministry, and still are.

The Apostle Paul had a lot to say about how women were to behave in church! And his words are the Words of the Resurrected Messiah for the nations! He says in one of his letters, addressed to his charge, Timothy,

“9 Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, 10 but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. 11 A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. 12 But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. 15 But women will be preserved through the bearing of children if they continue in faith and love and sanctity with self-restraint” (1Tim 2:9-15, NASB, italics and underline mine).

And, in Titus 2, Paul lays out the role of older men and women. Beginning in verse 2, we read,

“Older men are to be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance. 3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, 4 so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored” (NASB, italics and underline mine).

Does it make sense for a woman not to be subject to a man at home, just to have a career and “go to work” like a man, just to receive a paycheck – probably from a man…? The overwhelming majority of companies are owned by men, so whether your “boss” is a woman or not, it doesn’t really matter as there is a man up in the higher ranks, and is likely to be the CEO. And that man is not your man! He doesn’t care about you. You are just a number to him. Husbands are instructed to love their wives as godly men should, just like Christ loved the Church, and laid down His life for her. Now, that’s love! Women, in turn, are supposed to show respect to their husbands.

Were there men in the past that were abusing their power? Sure. Not going to argue with that. But, these days, people are “over-correcting.” Feminism is anti-men, not necessarily pro-woman1.

“On any given Sunday, all across the world, churches are likely to have more women in the pews than men. Some estimates place the so-called “gender gap” in America at 61 percent women versus 39 percent men (www.uscongregations.org). That means that every Sunday there are millions more women attending church than men.

There are several theories put forward for why, comparatively, there are so few men attending church. One theory is that the church’s teachings, emphasizing humility, holiness, and introspection, are seen by some men as “weak” or somehow less than masculine. Men are looking to be challenged with a “bold” message of adventure, danger, and aggressiveness.

Finding the right activities to attract men is also a challenge for many churches. Some congregations make an extra effort to provide times of fellowship and bonding for men by adding hunting expeditions, fishing trips, sports, etc., to their schedules.

Another theory is that many churches, knowingly or unknowingly, create a feminine atmosphere with their décor. Floral arrangements, pastel colors, frilly curtains, and pictures of passive, pastoral scenes make for a peaceful ambiance, but they tend to make men feel a disconnect. Some churches attempt to appeal to masculine sensibilities by changing their décor to something edgier, darker, more robust, and less nurturing.

Another explanation for why there are so few men in church has to do with the stereotypical masculine ego. Men are naturally self-reliant, headstrong, and proud, the theory goes, and are therefore naturally more resistant to the divine call to humility and submission. The gospel confronts our need, and men are often averse to admitting neediness.

There are other hypotheses, such as upbringing. Most men were reared by fathers who did not attend church services and so have no role model
for masculine involvement in a church. There is the suggestion that men, the traditional breadwinners, are too busy working—or enjoying their day off work—to commit to a church. And overly sentimental church music is sometimes mentioned as something that keeps men away, too.

There might be a grain of truth in each of these theories, but none of them fully explain the gender gap in modern churches. No one rejects church simply because of frilly curtains or a sappy song; there is most likely a deeper problem.”

(Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/men-in-the-church.html)

The deeper problem, I believe is a cultural one.

“According to Cathy Grossman of USA Today, “Women outnumber men in attendance in every major Christian denomination, and they are 20% to 25% more likely to attend worship at least weekly.” The 2001 U.S. Congregational Life Survey (USCLS) reinforces this data. This survey revealed that an average American congregation is roughly 61% female and 39% male.

In order to answer this question, we have to go back in history a few hundred years. Nancy Pearcey, the author of Total Truth: Liberating Christianity From Its Cultural Captivity, says in her book that the gender gap in Christianity may have begun as long ago as the dawn of the Industrial Age.

Pearcey argues that the Industrial Revolution drove men away from the home and into the more distant workplace. She thinks that this move may have driven a wedge between the work and private lives of men, leaving the women at home to take care of matters such as child-rearing and religion.

While this may be true, David Murrow, author of Why Men Hate Going to Church, says that it is the modern feminization of the church that is driving men away.  Murrow argues that the church has “wrapped the Gospel in this man-repellent package” by presenting the church as a “relational” and “nurturing” congregation. He thinks that this warm presentation of the church is alienating to more “goal-driven” and “competitive” men.”

...Citing a survey from 2013, Sonderman says that 92% of men have never heard a sermon that discussed the topic of work, a subject that would hold meaning and relevance for most men. Although it’s true that the number of female primary breadwinners in America is on the rise, recent data from Pew Research indicates that sixty percent of breadwinners are still male, suggesting that the topic of work would be relevant to the majority of men. Sonderman’s point is that men don’t find sermons to be relevant to their lives. “Most men in our society today do not see the value of going to church,” he says. “It is not speaking their language, and it is not addressing the issues they face.”

To make matters worse, the decline in male attendance in church creates a vicious cycle, with more men tempted to view church as an all-girls club where they would not be welcome or comfortable.

(Source: https://blog.capterra.com/where-are-all-the-men-exploring-the-gender-gap-in-church/)

What about the Civil War, where men as young as 17 (or possibly younger) were pulled from their homes to go and fight and die in the bloodiest conflict on American soil? Forget the Industrial Revolution, men would go into the bloody fields of battle and would never return home to their mothers and wives. Or some would return, with not only their bodies, but their spirits broken from witnessing the horrors of war firsthand. Men needed to – and still do – reclaim their place in society and in the church! There is no reason why the Bible can’t be obeyed in this point: don’t “marry” it with feminist ideologies! A well-respected woman is feminine, not feminist! As an article says,

“There's one problem with the attempt to wed Christianity to feminism though: Theological anthropology serves as a diriment impediment to the unholy marriage — an impediment insurmountable even for the well-oiled progressive deception machine. "Christian feminism" is a flagrant lie — it's smoke and mirrors intended to beguile credulous Christian men into an emasculated stupor.

Feminism is anathema to Christianity because Christianity envisions the three societies—ecclesiastical, familial and civil—as founded on patriarchy, whereas the central aim of feminism is patriarchy's total eradication. As such, one cannot graft feminism onto Christianity without fundamentally altering the nobility of Christianity or the ugliness of feminism…

While men and women are of equal worth, providence has determined that we have different roles in the Church, in society and in the family. God has ordained that the roles of governing and leading belong to the man; God has bestowed upon man the active, outward role in liturgy, family and society.

Conversely, woman is crafted to be man's helpmate; her role is to follow, enact and facilitate the rightful decrees of man — not as his slave, but as his companion. She has a receptive, passive role in liturgy, family and society. She is veiled, as the Blessed Virgin Mary; she is not in the limelight, but meekly embodies righteousness and tenderness behind the scenes (see Querida Amazonia, §101).

But we're told that such ideas are "archaic" and "outmoded" — relics of a bygone "sexist" era that must be hastily discarded in our brave new world, right? Such is the prevailing mantra from bellicose feminists, eager to do away with eons of Scripture and tradition in the name of their pathetic 60-year-old revolt. Not so fast. Don't drink that Kool-Aid yet.

God is immutable — He doesn't change. That which is perfect cannot evolve, since perfection is inherently content (think of the noble gases). As such, neither can God's word nor His will change. This is why it is written, "Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed ... so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2, emphasis added). Because God remains eternally unchanging, if He willed in the beginning that mankind should function as a patriarchy, any societal "progress" that contravenes this framework is worthy of our scorn.

God did, in fact, order mankind as a patriarchy. It is elemental among Bible scholars that, in the ancient world, bestowing a name upon a person or thing was an unmistakable sign of authority over the recipient of the name. Parents name kids, masters name pets, scientists name new species. So it is telling that in the book of Genesis, immediately after God created Eve and presented her to Adam, he presumed to name her: "This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman" (Genesis 2:23, emphasis added).

It is worth noting that at this point, Adam and Eve had not disobeyed God, so the world was still unblemished by the stain of sin. In other words, Adam could not have been exhibiting "toxic masculinity" and unacceptably dominating Eve. Rather, "male privilege" was willed by God.

Man's exclusive leadership vocation is further borne out by the events of salvation history. As we know, God called the Old Testament patriarchs to shepherd His people. In the days of the New Testament, Christ invested the Apostles (each of them male) with His divine authority (Matthew 18:18).

Christ commissioned these princes of the Church to govern, to sanctify and to teach. In turn, the Apostles passed such authority down to an all-male episcopate and presbyterate (cf. Acts 14:23). This was not mere happenstance.

But the case for Christian patriarchy does not rest with Scripture — it transcends it. The ideal of patriarchy slumbers deep within the Christian tradition. A study of Christian writings through the ages proves this.

Irenaeus (AD 130–202), for example, held that "both nature and the law place the woman in a subordinate condition to the man." His fellow Patristic, Clement of Alexandria (AD 150–215) admonished, "The ruling power is, therefore, the head. And if 'the Lord is head of the man and the man is head of the woman,' the man, 'being the image and glory of God, is lord of the woman.'"

(Source: https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/christianity-and-feminism-dont-mix, bold mine)

Another article says,

“In Genesis 2:20, a woman was originally designed to be a helper to man, but this didn’t mean subservient. The same word is used when the Bible talks about God being a helper to humans. And God is definitely not subservient to man. Helping others is a great and honorable trait…

You can believe, just like Jesus did, that women are indeed equal to men. You can do what you can to see that women are treated fairly in life. God does want us to work for justice on this earth. When we see instances of inequality, we should fight it. But it isn’t Christlike to be anti-male or anti-female. Sin and pride will never solve any problems. Harmony happens when people live in the way they were designed to live by a loving and caring God.

Sometimes there are inequities in the world because humans run the world. Mistakes happen and people are often treated wrongly. It’s never wrong to speak out against wrongdoings. Ultimately, the war between men and women is another tool used by Satan to divide people. Jesus came to divide as well, but his form of division is between believer and unbeliever. He doesn’t divide based on any other human characteristic.”

(Source: https://www.crosswalk.com/faith/spiritual-life/is-christian-feminism-biblical.html)

Many feminists – and I say this even in the church – eager to “make it in a man’s world,” follow the propaganda and their evil, prideful hearts that tell them that they “don’t need no man – now or ever.” And, that then leads them to a disappointing career after college, and many fail to marry, sometimes all the way up into their 40’s and 50’s, and are on antidepressants. You don’t need to take antidepressants, you need to do what God wants you to do. And what God wants you to do is be a helper to a godly man. If unmarried, you are to be under your father. If married, under your husband. After all, you are under the authority of your husband, just as a man is under the authority of Christ.

A case can be made that most women should not be working in the first place, as their hormones would not allow for an ideal work-life balance. This is not the case with most men. Men have a daily testosterone cycle. It’s usually highest in the morning, and then mellows out later in the day – nearly perfect for the “9-5.” Women, on the other hand, have a monthly ovulation cycle. This includes a follicular phase, when the egg is about to be released from the ovary; the ovulation phase; the luteal phase, when the uterus is prepared to accept the egg – if fertilization occurs; and lastly, the menstrual phase. And then, it starts all over again. All of this happens every month. This does not even account for the hormone balances that need to occur (Source: https://elara.care/hormones/menstrual-cycle-hormones-and-their-functions/). Not to say that some women aren’t fit to be in the workplace, but I personally believe most aren’t suited for it. Am I saying that women shouldn’t work? No, of course not! In this world, how can you support yourself if you don’t work? But having a career is different than just having transient work. I fully believe that a woman’s best work is raising the next generation of kids! We all see what happens when we let the schools teach our children. Women, and men, are supposed to be the ones teaching and disciplining the children – not the schools, not the government.

An online article, written by a woman, reads,

“We gave up our feminine side so we could attain what we saw as masculine goals: the corner office, the big promotion, freedom. And we started acting less like ladies and more like lady bros. Don’t get me wrong, these are fantastic objectives, but we didn’t have to ‘man up’ to get them. Feminists started using the word ‘girly’ as if it were a bad thing. In a more humanized era, men loved girly—and so did women. Now, it’s a full blown insult. Women mistakenly coveted what men had, rather than holding onto the uniquely feminine power we had. We abandoned it and did it their way. Not exactly empowering. Femininity has always been a huge source of female power, so why were we discouraged from embracing it?…Men are sensing the backlash and are consciously and unconsciously going ‘on strike.’ Breitbart has dubbed this “equal but separate misery” between the sexes a “sexodus” where men are giving up on women altogether and stepping back from society. Statistics are showing that men are increasingly choosing not to get married, and I can see why. With the rise of technology men can outsource everything women were traditionally known for to their iPhone apps. If they’re hungry they can use seamless, if they’re horny they can use Tinder. The only thing they still need us for? Babies. “My generation of boys is f*cked,” one man commented. “Marriage is dead. Divorce means you are screwed for life. Women have given up on monogamy, which makes them uninteresting to us for any serious relationship or raising a family.” Maureen Dowd once famously asked, “Are men necessary?” Now it’s the men asking that about women—and, more importantly, about commitment. This isn’t political, this is critical. It’s time for both genders admit we need each other, start treating each other with respect and concede that we’re equal, but equal doesn’t mean the same and embrace the differences in our wiring…Women need to wake up. Until we start being our real, authentic selves we can expect more of the same: weight of expectations, tension with men, the push, pull and guilt of never living up to having it all, the inability to overcome the pressure of friends but most importantly that interminable, inexplicable feeling of unhappiness in our relationships.”

(Source: https://observer.com/2016/05/five-ways-feminism-has-made-women-miserable/, underline mine)

Another article laments,

“For the record, every man I know is married to a strong woman. The notion that men are not attracted to (or are threatened or intimidated by) strong women is a feminist myth. While undoubtedly some men seek weak women, most men find weakness in women (as in men) unappealing.

In feminist Newspeak (Orwell's term for the totalitarian redefining of language), when applied to women, "strong" means "easily offended," and "perceiving oneself as a victim."

Tragically, many women, especially young women, have come to accept those definitions of "strong."

No wonder the depression rates among young American women are the highest ever measured.”

(Source: https://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2022/06/14/feminism-has-weakened-women-n2608678/, italics and underline mine)

What is so ironic is that now, after years of struggle to obtain equal rights, women are losing ground, and giving it up to the top spots to men in drag. Transgender women (which are delusional biological males) are now dominating sports, as well as other places. Women’s sports are in danger as a result! In the future, there will be no “women’s sports” because wimpy males that can’t take losing will claim to be “born in the wrong body” and will enter into the female-only arena! Congratulations, Marxist feminists, you just played yourselves!

Speaking of Marxist ideologies, another unfortunate product of this devious philosophy is “woke,” whose ideology belongs no where near the Church. The Gospel Coalition recently went woke, and it’s a real shame! I’m glad I never gave to that organization! What is “woke”? I’ll let a website explain,

For those unfamiliar with the term, “woke” is currently used in culture to mean, “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).” On the surface, there’s nothing wrong with being aware of injustice and oppression. After all, the Bible has a lot to say about how God’s people ought to respond to injustice. 

While being “woke” may sound like a good thing, its use by CRT (critical race theory) advocates makes it a shorthand way of referring to the acceptance of an entire secular framework. This is deeply problematic for the Christian. Being “woke” involves performing a list of works in order to become, and stay, “woke.” Conversely, not ascribing to the “woke” ideology, even if you do believe that racism exists, usually results in being shamed or kicked out of the tribe.

(Source: https://www.centerforbiblicalunity.com/post/5-signs-your-church-may-be-going-woke)

“Woke” only sounds good, but it’s Satanic. The evil one laughs that this agenda is currently bringing the world to its knees, all in the name of political correctness and “social justice.” In its activism, the adherents to the “church of woke” are exhibiting “zeal without knowledge.” Most of the wrong going on in the United States, as well as many parts of the world today, has Marxist ideas like feminism and “woke culture” behind it. As an article puts it,

“Our present regime crisis is closely related to the rise of the politics of identity. Those driving our new politics seek to abolish the traditional American understanding of the family and citizenship and separate us into hostile racial and sexual tribes. It is no accident that Black Lives Matter’s manifesto aims to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” and free people “from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.” In these aspirations BLM and allies align perfectly with the aspirations of modern feminism. They are part of the same multi-cultural movement.

For modern feminists, women are not made by nature to be mothers, wives, or sexually modest; men demand that women take on such roles, or force them to do so, in order to control them more easily. For feminists, women must make independent identities through creative work and sexual liberation to do their duty toward sexual and gender justice. Ostensibly, if they do this, they will also become free and happy…

In fact, studies show that there are actually two kinds of women: careerists (about a quarter of women) and women who would either like to balance working with family life or focus exclusively on family (the remaining 75%). Many more women doctors and lawyers work or would rather work part-time. Polls from 2013 and 2015 show that most mothers with children under 18 would rather work part-time or not work at all if they could swing it.

The womanly preference for part-time work or staying at home actually seems to rise with income as women are freed from supposed necessities. Harvard sociologist Alexandra Killewald finds that at least 60% of mothers with children under 18 do not work full-time. Most Dutch women prefer part-time work. Studies show the same thing in Nordic countries, even as feminist journalists puzzle over how this can be in such “enlightened” countries as Sweden.

(Source: https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-false-science-of-feminism/)

However, this is not just about careerism, but also in personal relationships. The article continues,

“Despite increases in womanly promiscuity, women are less interested in casual sex than men are and women are more likely to think sex belongs in enduring relationships. Women who act like men in this regard are much less likely to be happy.

In Premarital Sex in America (2011), Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker present data showing that women with higher numbers of lifetime and yearly sex partners are much more likely to be depressed, take antidepressants, and cry every day than women who have fewer partners. The number of partners for men seems mostly unrelated to these factors (see pp. 140-141). They conclude: “The central story about sex and emotional health is how powerful the empirical association is for women—and how weak it is for men” (p. 138). Another study shows that women who have multiple sex partners are 11 times more likely to show signs of depression than virgins.

Feminism has moved the lever on women’s actions and attitudes—this sweeping change is feminism’s triumph.  However, as these data and more show, there are reasons to suspect that this triumph brings with it great personal discontent—and that discontent is feminism’s weak underbelly.

(Source: https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-false-science-of-feminism/, underline mine)

I recommend reading the entire article as it then goes into the rates of depression between men and women. It’s too long to post here, but very fascinating! By and large, women today, after all of the “empowering” messages from the “girl power” movement, are more depressed now than ever before! And little wonder – the devil has tripped up women and it’s been a drain on society as a whole. We need to get back to the way things were. And how were they way they were? I’ll copy what someone said, in that marriage is between “two fallen human beings. One male and the other female. His struggle may be with his sexual nature. Her struggle may be with her emotional nature. They both have sins that they struggle with. They are both far from actually being perfect!”


1 For a brief video on this topic, explained by two women, go to: https://youtu.be/_w76whEE8RU

